Who We Are

This initiative is only successful as a collective contribution and effort.

A Special Thank You To:

Individuals, Production Members, Houses-of-Worship, Schools, Community Centers, Non-Profits, Companies, and Organizations all working together to create a sound future for now and generations to come.


A Special Thank You To:

The True Triune God, my wife, family, friends, mentors, instructors, coaches, acquaitances, and impactful strangers.

Connor Lott has enjoyed music his entire life. After gaining a wide range of experience in the music industry: audio engineering, production management, lighting design, consulting, and much more, he is on a mission. There are 18.6 million children in the US without a father figure. Through music and film production, he wants to give back and empower individuals and communities through holistic apprenticeship pathways. This is only possible through a wide network of individuals, groups, and companies to contribute what they can to make a difference one moment at a time.